Rules & Policies


  • Bookings are on a first come, first served basis.
  • A signed contract and 25% deposit are required for the booking to be considered definite.  The remaining rental balance is due at least two weeks prior to the date of the event.
  • A $100 refundable deposit may be paid to hold a date for a maximum of 30 days, after which the date will be released unless a contract is signed and 25% deposit paid.
  • Rental rates for the Main Hall Areas A and B, and one-half of the Main Hall Area A or Area B include tables, chairs, initial set-up and tear down, a podium and one microphone. *See rate schedule for table linen cost.
  • Rental rates for leasing one-quarter Main Hall Area A or Area B do not include linens or event attendant.  The client will be billed the center’s cost for linens used and a fee of $20 per hour for the event attendant for each hour the room is occupied, up to 8 hours.  Additional charges of $60 per hour per will be charged if the client requires access to the room for more than 8 hours.
  • Havelock non-profit organizations whose primary local offices are physically sited within the city limits of Havelock qualify for reduced price events in accordance with the above fee schedule.  To qualify, the organization must provide documentation confirming their non-profit status (i.e., a copy their IRS designation as a non-profit entity).
  • Space rentals are for 8 hours.  Any decorating or client set-up must be accomplished within this 8-hour block of time.  Additional charges of $60 per hour will be charged if the client requires access to the room for more than 8 hours.
  • Rooms reserved for move-in or move-out will be charged one-half of the full price daily  rate.
  • Clients requiring guaranteed access to a space the day prior to their event must lease the space at the move-in rate.  For a fee of $50 per hour, clients not leasing the space under the move-in rate may be granted access the day prior to their event if the space is available and set-up.
  • Rental rates reflect initial set-up and dismantle of tables and chairs.  A podium and microphone are also included upon request.  All other equipment will be billed at the prevailing rates.  Any changes to the set-up diagram approved by the client will be billed at $30 per hour for the time needed to make the changes.
  • Seating capacities listed in the fee schedule do not take into consideration such items as a head table, stage, dance floor, etc.


  • ADA: The Tourist & Event Center is a one-story building, complies with ADA guidelines and is fully accessible.
  • Access: All working Tourist & Event Center personnel shall have access to all areas of the building at any time.  The Havelock Tourist & Event Center will determine who shall and shall not be permitted in all service areas.
    • Children under the age of 16 attending events shall have access to the event room only and may not be left unattended in the common areas, except to travel to rest room facilities.   Any child whose conduct is objectionable, disorderly or disruptive, as determined by the event attendant on duty, or who is in violation of any law, upon notification of the parent, guardian or adult in charge of the child, will be required to leave the Tourist & Event Center.  Lessee assumes full responsibility for the acts and conduct of its attendees, invitees, exhibitors, agents, employees and licensees of the event.  Any damage or actions resulting in the need for excessive cleaning of any area of the Tourist & Event Center will be repaired or cleaned by center staff and the client will be billed for the cost.
  • Abandoned Equipment/Lost or Misplaced Articles
    • Any article or equipment remaining at the Tourist & Event Center past the expiration of the license period may be considered abandoned and may be disposed of by the Center as the Director deems necessary at the group’s expense.
    • The Tourist & Event Center shall assume no responsibility for losses suffered by the group, its agents, servants, employees or guests.
    • The Tourist & Event Center shall have the sole right to collect and have custody of any articles left on the premises by the attendees and to provide for the disposition thereof.
  • Alcohol Policy
    • No alcoholic beverages may be brought on the premises by any individual without prior written approval by the Havelock Tourist & Event Center.
    • The Tourist & Event Center reserves the right to check any and all packages being brought into the center.
    • The City of Havelock d/b/a/ the Havelock Tourist & Event Center possesses all North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Commission alcohol permits required to serve beer, wine and mixed beverages.   All alcoholic beverages for events will be provided by and served by the Tourist and Event Center with the exception fundraising events of non-profit organizations.
    • Non-profit organizations conducting fundraising events must obtain a special one-time permit from the North Carolina ABC Commission in accordance with North Carolina state law and may provide then their own beer, wine and mixed beverages.
    • Non-profit organizations who obtain a one-time special event permit shall provide the Tourist& Event Center Director with a One Million and no/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) liquor liability certificate of insurance policy naming the Havelock Tourist Center and the City of Havelock as additional insured at least 10 days prior to the event, together with a copy of the one-time special event permit.
    • Events serving alcoholic beverages must comply with all North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Commission and Alcoholic Law Enforcement laws and regulations.
  • Balloons
    • To prevent escape to the ceilings, helium-filled balloons and similar objects must be secured.  Lessee will be billed the cost to recover escaped balloons, including but not limited to rental fee for a lift.
    • Helium-filled balloons may not be distributed in the Tourist & Event Center.
    • If the use of balloons is planned for your function, please advise the Tourist & Event Center Director.  A $100 deposit is required to cover the cost of retrieving balloons that escape.  Deposit will be returned if no balloons escape.
  • Decorating and Signs
    • Do not attach anything, by any means, to walls or doors without prior approval of the Director.
    • The use of scotch tape or decals on walls, floors, partitions, doors or windows is strictly prohibited.
    • The use of nails, tacks, brads, screws or other driven fasteners is prohibited.
    • Painter’s tape or other tape that will not damage the walls, columns or other surfaces may be used; however damages caused to the facility will be billed to the event.
    • Adhesive backed decals and stickers may not be distributed in the Tourist & Event Center.
    • Notify the Director of any banners needing to be suspended.
    • Any decorating causing damage to the Tourist & Event Center will be repaired by the Center and the cost billed to the event.
    • Use of glitter may incur an additional cleaning fee.  See Janitorial Services section.
  • Display Vehicles and Display Equipment
    • Any motor or equipment on display at the Havelock Tourist & Event Center must comply with Havelock Fire Department regulations.  For further information please contact the Havelock Fire Marshall at 252-444-6442.
    • All equipment displays must have a plastic floor liner to prevent floor damage.
    • Notify the Director, prior to arrival, of large equipment displays entering the Center.
  • Equipment - Havelock Tourist & Event Center
    • All Havelock Tourist & Event Center equipment, such as food and beverage carts, table carts, dollies and jacks, must be returned to the Tourist & Event Center after the event move-out.
    • Any damage to the above equipment will result in additional expense to the event.
  • Exhibitor Booth Storage
    • You may keep a supply of advertising materials, product or literature in your booth.
    • You may not store material or empty cartons in or behind your booth back wall.
    • Due to the limited amount of storage space, excess materials must be stored off site.
  • Exhibitor Electrical Service
    • Wall and permanent building utility outlets are not part of a booth space and are not to be used by exhibitors unless specified otherwise.
    • See the Director to prearrange your electrical requirements.
    • All equipment must comply with all federal, state and local safety codes.
    • Electrical rates quoted for all connections include service to the booth.  They do not include connecting equipment or special wiring.
    • Exhibitors are expected to provide their own extension cords (UL approved utility cord).
  • Fire Pull Stations, Aisles and Exit Doors
    • Do not block any doors marked with an overhead exit sign.
    • All exits must be visible and accessible at all times.  Contact the Director immediately if you find any within your exhibit area.  Adjustments to space and equipment may be required.
    • Stay within your designated booth area.  Chairs, tables and other display equipment must be clear of all aisles, corridors and exit areas.
  • Food and Beverage Events
    • All food and/or beverages served, offered and/or sold in any part of the Center’s premises must be provided and served by a caterer who has met the requirements and entered into a signed catering agreement with the Havelock Tourist & Event Center. The Havelock Tourist & Event Center maintains a list of authorized caterers for your convenience.
    • Any contracts for food and beverage provisions are made by the client directly with the caterer.  The Client and Caterer hereby acknowledge and understand that the distribution and consumption of all alcoholic beverages must be in accordance with the laws, statutes and regulations of the State of North Carolina and internal policies of the Havelock Tourist & Event Center
    • The Tourist & Event Center maintains all rights for all coffee breaks and concession services.
    • Renters are not permitted to bring food or beverages into the center.
  • Fog/Smoke/Laser Lights
    • No fog, smoke effects or laser light shows shall be permitted in the Havelock Tourist & Event Center.
  • Freight/Mail Delivery
    • Freight deliveries for an event must be pre-arranged with the Tourist & Event Center Director at least one week prior to the delivery.
    • The cost of City personnel on-site to receive a delivery will be charged to the company requesting the delivery.
    • Deliveries received on-site should be addressed to the appropriate show or event.
    • Freight deliveries for an event may not arrive more than two business days prior to the event.  Freight arriving sooner than two days prior to the event will be refused.
    • Freight to be shipped must be picked up within two days after the event.
  • Hours of Operation
    • The normal maximum contractual hours of occupancy for events is 8 hours scheduled between 8:00 a.m.--midnight.  Arrangements regarding activities beyond these hours must be made with the Director and may be subject to overtime charges.
  • Insurance
    • Non-profit organizations who obtain a one-time special event permit shall provide the Tourist& Event Center Director with a One Million and no/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) liquor liability certificate of insurance policy naming the Havelock Tourist Center and the City of Havelock as additional insured at least 10 days prior to the event, together with a copy of the one-time special event permit.
    • For commercial events, the Tourist & Event Center requires the lessee to provide lessor proof of insurance as required below at least 10 days prior to the scheduled event.  Such proof shall be in the form of a certificate of insurance evidencing the existence of commercial general liability insurance applicable to premises and operations hereunder with liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence; combined single limit bodily injury and/or property damage; liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles; and workers compensation and occupational disease insurance, including employers’ liability, meeting the statutory requirement of the State of North Carolina.
    • The certificate shall show the lessor, the City of Havelock, the Havelock Tourist & Event Center and its agents as an additional named insured under the policy and shall contain substantially the following statement:  “The insurance described in this certificate will not be cancelled or materially altered unless ten (10) days written notice has been received by the lessor.”
    • Please present the above outline when obtaining event insurance
    • For assistance, please contact the Tourist & Event Center Director.
  • Janitorial Services
    • Event areas are cleaned prior to each event at no charge. Additional cleaning requirements may result in charges to the event.
    • When an area leased requires excessive cleaning following the event lessor will be charged an extraordinary cleaning fee based upon the condition of the facility and services required. Use of glitter requires additional cleaning and an extraordinary cleaning fee will be charged.
  • Move-In/Move-Out Policies/Rehearsals
    • Loading and unloading is permitted only through the loading dock or doors at the rear of the main hall.  No loading or unloading is permitted through the front of the building or the hanger door.
    • Temporary parking is allowed in the rear of the main hall for unloading/loading purposes only and must not block the service lane or fire lane. Vehicles must be moved to a designated parking spot following unloading. Please see “Parking” for further instructions.
    • All move-in/move-out and rehearsal rates will be charged at half of the full-price room rental fee.  NOTE:  Reduction in price is due to maintaining “minimum comfort and staffing levels.”  If your move-in/move-out requires temperatures or staffing beyond minimum levels, 100% of the rental rate will apply.
    • In the event the Tourist & Event Center is not vacated by lessee upon the expiration of the term, management is authorized to remove from the Tourist & Event Center, at the expense of the Lessee, all goods, wares, merchandise and property of any kind left therein; and management shall not be liable for any damages to or loss of such goods, wares, merchandise or property which may be sustained by reason of such removal; and the management is hereby released for any and all claims for damages of whatever kind or nature, including, but not limited to, non-use or unavailability of such property.
  • Parking
    • All parking is under the exclusive control of the Havelock Tourist & Event Center management and the following rules apply:
    • No parking in fire lanes, service road, loading dock areas or any other unauthorized location.  Unauthorized vehicles will be removed at owner’s expense.
    • No parking on the aviation exhibit tarmac areas.
  • Outside Solicitors
    • Soliciting is not permitted on the Tourist & Event Center property.
    • Unauthorized picketing is strictly prohibited by the Havelock Tourist & Event Center.  The appropriate City of Havelock permit must be approved and on file.
  • Prohibited Materials
    • The following items are hazardous and prohibited:
    • LP gases (i.e., propane and butane)
    • Untreated Christmas trees, cut evergreens or similar trees
    • Fireplace logs and similar materials
    • Charcoal
    • Untreated mulch and Spanish moss
    • Hay and straw
    • Tabletop food fryers and steam tables
  • Safety
    • The goal of the Havelock Tourist & Event Center is to provide a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for every event and our guests.  Any and all unsafe conditions or activities will be brought to the attention of the responsible parties and corrective measures are to be taken immediately.
  • Security
    • The Havelock Tourist & Event Center will arrange for security personnel as required by the Tourist & Event Center and/or the exhibit manager and charge to the lessee at the prevailing rate.
    • Any person whose conduct is objectionable, disorderly or disruptive to the Tourist & Event Center’s use, or is in violation of any law, shall be refused entrance or shall be immediately ejected from the premises.  Lessee assumes full responsibility for the acts and conduct of its exhibitors, agents, employees, licensees, invitees and attendees of the event.
  • Smoking
    • Smoking is not permitted in the Havelock Tourist & Event Center.
    • Outside areas have been designated as smoking areas.
  • Telephone Service
    • The Havelock Tourist & Event Center and their contracted assigns are the exclusive providers of telecommunications/data line service in the Havelock Tourist & Event Center. Only the Havelock Tourist & Event Center or their contracted assigns are authorized to modify system wiring and cable. Contact the Center Director for telecommunications service order forms and telephone equipment rentals.
  • Use of Tape
    • Any tape used must be removable and intended for use on painted surfaces.
    • The lessee is responsible for the removal of all tape residue marks on walls, the Main Hall floor and other surfaces.
    • Removal and damage costs incurred by the Havelock Tourist & Event Center as a result of lessee using inferior tape are the responsibility of the lessee and will be charged to the event.
  • USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

    • In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
    • To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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